Join OSU Extension Cuyahoga County in a 2-part training to learn about how to get started with chickens in your backyard. OSU Extension Educator Tim McDermott DVM from the OSU Poultry Team provides a recorded presentation on the basics of poultry care in Part 1. This session can be viewed anytime in advance of the scheduled session for Part 2.
In Part 2, scheduled for March 16th at 7pm, ANR Educator Maggie Rivera and Master Gardener Volunteer/Chicken Mama Shayna Sharpe will provide additional training, discussing additional topics that will help you successfully raise chickens in the city and suburbs. This course fulfills the educational requirement for Lakewood Hen Keeping Ordinance.
Part 1: Backyard Chickens with Tim McDermott, poultry specialist
When: view any time before the start of Part 2. The length of session is 1hr 30mins. Plan accordingly, there will be an entry quiz at the second session to verify the completion of Part 1.
Part 2: Backyard Chickens, Cleveland & Cuyahoga County
When: March 16th, 7pm. Required to receive a certificate.
Register here: