In the Garden with 4-H

Repeats every week every Tuesday until Tue May 18 2021.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact email:
Contact name:
Robin Stone
Contact phone:

Hosted by Ellen Comeau and Shayna Sharpe –our two favorite Master Gardeners

  • April 27th – Create a garden calendar/planner for the upcoming growing season. 
  • May 4th – The who, what, when, where and why of gardening. Learn the science behind success.  Fun activities for the family.
  • May 18th – Preparing your garden.

Register at: QYU8IFocXlbAq
Each enrolled family will receive a family gardening kit. 

Join Zoom Meeting HaVpKd0JRK05lbk5Zb0tsOVI1QT09
Meeting ID: 953 7823 5524
Password: 240837
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Free and open to everyone!