- Urban Gardening Video: From Rust Belt to Green Belt: Urban Gardening Blooms in Cleveland
- Produce Perks EBT Incentive Program at Participating Farmers' Markets
- Pesticide Safety Education Program - OSU Extension
- Cleveland City Planning Commission
- Buckeye Yard and Garden onLine (BYGL)
- Soil Testing-University of Massachusetts Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory
- Chicken and Bees Ordinance
- City of Cleveland, Division of Water
- Cuyahoga County Auditor/Fiscal Officer
- Cuyahoga County Land Bank
- Ohioline
- Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association
- Ohio Chapter International Society of Arboriculture Ohio Chapter International Society of Arboriculture- Find an arborist
- Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Contact a Service Forester (State Service Forester Directory)
Resources in General
- Brownfields and Urban Agriculture: Interim Guidelines for Safe Gardening Practices
- The Farmland Center
- The American Community Gardening Association (ACGA)
- Agricultural Alternatives Fact Sheets
- PlantFacts
- Community Gardening Toolkit - University of Missouri Extension
- Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy
- Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
- Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic